Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Shane's subpoena

So Shane received a supbpoena by telephone while we were on the road commanding him to appear in court Monday morning at 9:00. This is for a custody case for one of his former students. He was supposed to be in a robotics workshop, but the lawyer assured Shane he was "commanded to appear." So Monday morning he got dressed up and went to court. He sat for several hours through another case, listened to them drag this case out forever, ended up losing his spot in the robotics workshop (which also meant losing a $400.00 stipend -- ouch!), and then they ended up not even using him at all, which meant his entire day was wasted and he lost out on the workshop and on the money. So it obviously makes you wonder why attorneys don't contact the folks on their witness list and interview them FIRST -- before they subpoena them to see if it is even going to help their case. Instead they willy-nilly subpoena folks, wasting their time for no good purpose whatsoever. How frustrating!! How nice it would be if we were all respectful of each other's time and needs and commitments!


Carol said...

What is a robotics workshop?

Aunt Tonnye said...

A robotics workshop is a workshop Shane was signed up for. They were going to learn how to use robots in the classroom. It involves many of the scientific principles Shane teaches to his 6th graders, and is one of those things that he finds immensely fascinating!