Friday, November 7, 2008

The Dark Knight

Halloween night, Shane and I went to see The Dark Knight, and I must say it was aptly named. We did not see the 3D version, which Shane was glad about (since his surgery, the 3D stuff bothers him a bit). We did, however, see it at an IMAX theatre, so it was HUGE. . . and with surround sound, it certainly made you feel like you were right there. I thought Heath Ledger's performance was certainly dark, and I guess appropriate, but I found it very sad, overall. For one thing, there's the whole "this-was-his-last-movie" thing. That is sad enough, but the movie was sad throughout -- a little pessimistic for me. Well-done, but very pessimistic. The main quote that seemed to encapsulate the theme is proof-positive: "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." And, indeed, it was a self-fulfilling prophecy. Me, I prefer my caped crusaders with a more positive bent. Pretty good choice for a Halloween flick for those of us who don't like slasher films. . . .

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Since I am not a fan of these types of movies and really don't know what all Heath Ledger starred in before this movie, I really cannot comment. Will say that his death was really sad. I have a hard enough time with death, but those that are preventable I will never understand. However...give me the old fashioned Batman and Robin anyday. The Batmobile, Batcave, cute Adam West, and the KA-POW's. :-)