Wednesday, December 3, 2008

For Larry

We lost someone who used to be a dear friend to our family this week. Our families have grown apart in recent years, but I still have very fond memories of early times together. My prayers are constant for this precious family.

For Larry
I think of presents, already bought, maybe already under the tree,
With your name on them --
And Christmas morning without you in your home.
I think of grandchildren who will never know their grandfather,
Probably have no memories whatsoever.
I think of a wife whose grief must be absolutely inconsolable,
And pray this experience will turn into an exercise in gratitude
And living in the moment
Rather than carrying grief and anger that are way too heavy for her heart.
I think of children who are too young to lose their father
(Is there ever an age when you’re not too young to give up your daddy?)
I think of your pew at church and the empty spot you will leave;
I think of a few Sundays ago, when we sang all the songs
You used to lead and we called it Larry Sunday.
I remember when you and Bonnie were dating,
Then married,
I remember when Rex was born.
I remember ya’ll trying repeatedly for a girl, and finally getting one.
I remember yard conversations after church
It seems so numbly unbelievable that you could be gone.
Moreso I’m sure to your family, who loves you so much.
I am saddened by how our families grew apart,
But I harbor no ill will for you or yours.
My prayers are for your family right now,
How I hope they will cherish the time you had together,
That they will remember the good times,
That they will channel the sadness of losing someone in the middle of Christmas
Into happy memories of Christmases past. . . .
And hope for happy Christmases to come.

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