Saturday, August 3, 2013

My Personal Mission Statement

My friend, Julie, knows how to ask just the right questions. We are both deep thinkers, but not very structured and methodical, so our conversations typically are all over the map. Last week was no exception, as we met for an evening of writing, sharing, feedback...a "creative meeting", as she called it. And it was...creative, and lovely, and thought-provoking, and inspiring, and...she really does ask the best, during our meeting, she looks at me and says, so, Tonnye, what do you think God has called you to do? What do you think your calling in life is?" Wow! No one has asked me that before, and, sadly, I had never asked myself either. I don't know if I would have been able to answer at any other time better than right now. The answer came more quickly than I would have guessed, but as I thought briefly on her question, I knew it had to be words, and that was my answer to her...."Words..." when she asked me to elaborate, I began to talk about how God expects me to use my words to help people. As I thought further, and into the next several days about her question, my answer, my life, and my calling, here are some thoughts that provided clarity. -- 1- I learned to talk early, a lot, and well, and I've never stopped. :-). Some would tell you I never stop...present tense. 2-I learned to read early, well, and loved it! I still do! 3- I learned to write early, and have almost always processed problems, issues, and thoughts in writing, whether it was a list, a Poem, a story, a blog entry, or a letter. Then I thought about the roles I currently fulfill in my life... 1-Teacher. As a teacher, I constantly use words (along with much else) to instruct, inspire, manage, etc. my students' learning. I have to be an effective communicator and use words effectively to do that. 2- Prayer Team Leader. In my church family, I serve as Prayer/Care Team Leader. In this capacity, I serve people with great needs. A huge part of my role is to speak love, truth, comfort, peace, joy, and/or conviction into people's hearts and lives. 3- Songwriter. As a songwriter, God is blessing me with the capability to put words, music, thoughts, and ideas together in moving ways. The songs I'm writing now are mostly centered on Him or our response to Him. But there are others that speak of the process of life, honoring others, the struggles of life....many areas that could speak to people during difficult times. 4- Writer at large. I have so many projects in my head and in my heart that are designed to entertain, instruct, interest, share.... We need to laugh and work on our marriages, and read books about scripture, and know about the world around us, and appreciate the beauty we see, hear, taste, touch, and smell. Many of my writings bring one or more of these concepts to life. Then I thought about what the scriptures say about what we say, and think. Consider these scriptures: Proverbs 21:23. Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble. Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up! As fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 12:18b. The tongue of the wise brings healing. Proverbs 18:21a Death and life are in the power of the tongue... There are MANY more. This is just a quick sampling...God wants us to guard our tongue and use it to bring healing, strength, encouragement, peace....and He has equipped me to do this. As I have pondered that this week, I realized, more than ever before what a huge responsibility that is. I also began to think about all the churches, schools, fortune 500 companies that have mission statements, and I thought, maybe we should have personal mission statements, too. Now, I have worked in schools where you had to have the mission statement posted....but no one ever went over it, never read it, never had professional development about it. It's very presence changes nothing. But, if we see it daily, read it daily, dissect it to understand it fully, commit to it and strive to implement it to its fullest extent, revisit it, and tweak it often, as new insight affects it, then we have in our hands a powerful tool for life change! Having said that, I have prayed about it over the last several days, thought deeply about it, talked with people who know me, care about me, and understand me. I have researched words, and thought about wordage. I have crafted my own personal mission statement. I went on to define for me, personally, what that might look like in my current roles. Might it change? Yes... Might I fail? Yes.... but I think having these guiding principles in place will help me to do my job better, shine my light better, and live for Him better. My Mission Statement My mission in life, (as revealed to me by God through the talents, interests, and abilities with which He has blessed me,) is to USE WORDS to: Educate, Enable, Encourage, Engage, Empower, Entertain, Equip, Edify, Embolden, Embrace, Enlist, Enliven, Enlighten, Excite,  and Evangelize people. I can fulfill the mission with which He has entrusted me by:  1) Listening and responding with words of prayer, encouragement, respect, advice, and love. 2) Praying for people daily of whose needs I am aware. 3) Teaching students, peers, interns, and anyone else God places within my path using the best words and best methods I know, and continuing to learn myself. 4) Knowing the scriptures well enough to share Gods words when people are in need. 5) Writing articles, poems, stories, songs, and books that minister to people on some level, whether through laughter, spiritual empowerment, information, emotional connection, or educational prowess, etc. This is mine, and even in the days that I've been crafting it, I've had some epic fails. But because I know my mission, I know when I am failing, and then, I can knowing the goal, I can move closer to achieving said goal... So, this is mine...what's your calling?